7: Balance sheet of the Russian Revolution
1939-1945 – Trial By Fire
8. The ordeal of war: from fraction to party?
When the war broke out in September 1939, the Italian and Belgian Fractions found themselves totally disarmed. The International Bureau hardly existed any more, and contacts between the different sections and fractions had virtually ceased.
9: The ‘Partito Comunista Internationalist’
Declaration of principles of the Belgian Fraction of the International Communist Left
1) The Party is a fraction of the proletariat. In the epoch of proletarian revolutions, the party in effect expresses the proletariat’s consciousness and political capacity during a period of revolutionary flux in which the problem of power is directly posed.
It will soon be five years that imperialist war has raged in Europe, with all its misery, massacres and devastation.
On the Russian, French and Italian fronts tens of millions of workers and peasants are slaughtering each other for the exclusive interests of a sordid and bloody capitalism, which obeys only these laws: profit, accumulation.
In the first part of this article, we showed that the self-styled “Lenin of ecology”, Andreas Malm, is in fact defending a completely bourgeois conception of this question, and in reality serves as an agent of state capitalism, which he aims to propagate to the working class. In this second part, we will show how much his approach is based on a fundamental distortion of the marxist vision of the capitalist mode of production and its relationship with nature.
Saturday 5 April 2025, 2pm to 5pm, UK time
Continuing to analyse and discuss an accelerating world situation. All welcome - translation facilities will be available!
At the end of 1899, Lenin wrote an article entitled ‘On Strikes’, relating to the strikes that were developing at the time in Russia. Although more than a century has passed since this article was written, making it inevitable that some of the ideas it contains are outdated or redundant due to historical development, others not only retain their full validity but are also of definite interest considering the potential dynamic of the class struggle in the current period.
Hindu nationalists dream of ‘Making India Great Again’ but its efforts towards imperialist expansion are part of the general descent into barbarism.